LOOK: MATH! is on a mission to build math confidence for youth, parents, and teachers.
LOOK: MATH! started with a simple thought:
Math is Awesome!
And not only is math awesome but it's everywhere around us, and ANYONE can do it!
LOOK: MATH! was started by Pam Brittain with the aim to bring the world of math to everyone and show them there was nothing to be afraid of.
When she adopted Alpha in December of 2017, she thought, "What better way to show how awesome math is then through the eyes of a dog?"
So come explore with us and LOOK at all the MATH around you.
About Pam Brittain, PhD
Pam has had a love of math since she was a kid. It taught her to see the world through a different set of eyes.
Pam studied Chemistry and Mathematics in her undergraduate degree, then received a degree in education and became a certified teacher in Ontario. She has a Master's degree in Mathematics for Teachers and recently received her PhD in Education with a focus on Math Education.
Pam has worked in educational program management and curriculum development for almost 15 years.
About Alpha the Math-Loving Dog
Hi! I'm Alpha! And as you already know, I LOVE Math!
Pam thought it would be a good idea if I told you a little about myself and why I love math so much and why she chose me to be the 'face' of LOOK: MATH! (Though seriously, look at this face, how could I not be chosen!)
First, a bit about where I grew up. I was a rescue from the streets of Paju, South Korea and came to Canada in spring of 2017.
I met Pam in December 2017 and we both knew right away that I had found my forever home.
I guess she liked how I stopped to smell everything on my walk because soon she was investigating everything with me as well. Together we started to takea closer look at all the things I saw each day on my walk and then she started to film our adventures and bringing all the math we saw each day to life.
I love my daily walks and getting to investigate all the math we see each day with Pam, and I'm super excited that now I get to share it all with you!
Learn more about my journey to my forever home in my first story, Alpha's Adventures: Volume One.